Photo by: C & J Blackmer

Photo by: C & J Blackmer

Photo by: C & J Blackmer

Photo by: C & J Blackmer
Welcome to the Village of Coutts
Welcome to the Village of Coutts, the Gateway to Alberta. Explore our town's services, news, and official business, and find answers to all your tourist questions. Immerse yourself in the charm of our border town.
Discover Coutts
The Village of Coutts is situated in beautiful southern Alberta, just one hour south of Lethbridge, two hours north of Great Falls, Montana, and two hours east of Waterton National Park in Canada and Glacier National Park in Montana. The Port of Entry at Coutts is a 24 hour border crossing, with over one million travellers and nearly five hundred thousand trucks passing through annually. To the east lie the Sweet Grass Hills. Sacred to the Blackfoot aboriginal people, this formation can be seen for miles, and therefore became and still is a focal point for travellers. You will never forget the first sunrise you see over these hills. What a great way to start your morning!
Visitor Experiences